Sunday, January 8, 2012

High as a Kite

There are two things that are surefire soul refreshers in my book: good food and good conversation, both of which I enjoyed this weekend.

Lane and I went to Dallas Saturday night for a joint birthday party for 3 of my friends from college. (Harper went too but stayed with Aunt Kelly.) I love the kind of night when I end up looking like an albino rat because I laugh-cried off all of my mascara. It was that kind of night, like almost-peed-my-pants-bent-over-laughing-every-3-to-5-minutes kind of night. Lane says I "come alive" when I'm around my college friends. It feels so good.

Along with talking to the funniest people on this green planet, dinner at Tillman's was stupidly delicious.

I'm still full and laughing 24 hours later.

The good life.

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