Why is it so hard to transition from saying that I have a whatever month old to having a 1 year old? Although I enjoy nothing more than watching my kiddos grow, I want my babies to stay babies.
Hazel turned 1 year old this week. Instead of having a big 'ol party for her, we had a few mini celebrations...filled with good food, homemade treats, and fun friends and family. Here are a few pics of Hazel's week:
A fun dinner out with the fam.
Good birthday morning, Hazelnut.
She can cry if she wants to.
I'm a huge fan of making my kiddos' birthday cakes. There is something endearing about it.
We celebrated with our life group on Hazel's actual birthday.
A couple days after her birthday we had a small party with a few other babies at Shipley's. Thanks Mr. Brett for the awesome birthday doughnut.
Hazel Jane. All personality. World's best baby climber. Most animated kid I have ever known. Lover of all animals. Obsessed with her sister. Full of joy and attitude and affection and love. Irreplaceable, her.

Happy birthday, Bitsy Bug. You add so much beauty to our family. You are the perfect fit. We love you to pieces.
* I fully intend on blogging about our summer. **Intentions are what matter. ***Sorry about the weird spacing between my pictures. Blogspot is annoying.